Jedi Mind Tricks is for any fan of Star Wars who wondered if there ever could be something like the Jedi Mind Tricks. We remind you of the best of the Star Wars philosophy where Luke Skywalker is being pressured to "Stay on the farm" for one more season. But, events in this galaxy far far away are moving too fast and so Obi-wan must start teaching Luke about the Force very quickly so that the Galactic Empire does not become fully established.
If you feel deep down in your soul that the events of the Star Wars movies, at least as far as The Force is concerned - are mirrored in the events of today right here on planet Earth and not in some galaxy far far away, then this course is for you. There is a real threat to this planet from a real Empire and something like the Jedi Knights are now called upon to defeat it. If you have the bravery and the Force is strong in you - you will want to learn about how to use the Jedi Mind Tricks to save your own fate and the fate of this planet.
The author - Michael Mathiesen Science and Science Fiction Author takes the student on the greatest adventure in their lives where they will learn how to use Jedi Mind Tricks to win over friends and defeat their enemies as well as the option to join forces and save the Planet from the Evil Empire - now existing on this planet and not in some galaxy far far away.
Included is the exclusive Jedi Knight Internet Portal
Your Instructor

A Science and Science Fiction writer - and big fan of Star Wars- I recently discovered the God Particle and created the God Particle Bible - which led me to realize that the God Particle Field is really The Force in Star Wars - so my newest book - The Force Equation - Unleash the Power - spells it all out and solves all of the greatest riddles of the universe, life on this planet and even your own role in the larger scheme of things. My course is a deep dive into the details of the Force - how it was discovered - where anyone can find it - how anyone can use it to join the REAL Rebel Alliance and defeat the real Empire.
Course Curriculum
PreviewAuthor-Background - why he is uniquely qualified to teach this course. (9:01)
PreviewJedi Mind Tricks Lecture ONE (12:31)
PreviewJedi Mind Tricks - Lecture Two (6:52)
PreviewJedi Mind Tricks - Lecture Three (10:41)
PreviewJedi Mind Tricks - Lecture Four (9:52)
PreviewJedi Mind Tricks - Lecture Five (11:51)
PreviewJedi Mind Tricks - Summary (4:05)
Frequently Asked Questions
Of Jedi Mind Tricks:
Mark Brown says: "This was the best online experience I've had in a long time. The lectures are brief and to the point. No wasting of time and I believe I am now a full Jedi Knight very much involved in helping save our planet."
Olivia Hernandez says: "I'm so happy a friend of mine showed me this online course. I think the authors are right on the money - if we don't do something together to help save our planet, what will our children think of us - if they are around to think of us.
Keith Mitchell says: "FIVE STARS for Jedi Mind Tricks. I thought this was going to be boring crap. Instead, it's actually got me more excited than when I first watched the Star Wars movies."
Robert Andrade says: "I'm probably not objective here because I live in an area that loses more and more of our habitat to fires and then flooding every year. There's no doubt that we're losing the battle. This course presents the only way I can see to reverse the dangerous trends we're seeing not only in climate change but also in all of the trouble and chaos in the world and our government seems to be doing nothing about it except making it worse."
Cindy Pemberton says: "I've just finished this course a few days ago and I'm already seeing major changes in my life based upon what I've learned. I no longer let anyone take advantage of me and it's like I'm reading their minds when people talk to me. I almost know what they're going to say. It's strange, but I think I will be able to get used to this very fast. Thanks Mike for putting this course up here."
"Olaf Milosovic says: "I heartily recommend this course to anyone who has wondered what life is all about, why we're here and what we can do about it."
You should purchase this course TODAY if you are concerned about your own future or the future of our planet Earth. We already may be too late to reverse the trends brought upon us by 50 years of neglect, incompetence and downright Evil Empire-building all over the globe but also in the good-old USA. We are ruled by the forces of money and those who have the most of it. We are forced to live by decisions made in a city very far away from the rest of us and populated by Trolls and Troglodytes. Our planet is now experiencing the greatest mass extinction in history losing thousands of species of life every single day. This, while our leaders embroil themselves in feckless battles over their exploding bank balances and egos. The Empire threatens us all, but those most effected will be the generations of human beings yet to be born - assuming there is a world for them to be born into.
IF now NOW - WHEN do we put a halt to this very frightening events? if not YOU who takes up the sword of the Jedi Knights - then WHO? There will be no better time for you to learn the Jedi Mind Tricks. Gain access to the full power of the Force. Why would you want anything less for the rest of your days?
This is no joke. This is not a drill. These are the most dire days the world has ever known. We ask you to join the fight to return the planet to its rightful course towards an eternal peace and prosperity, with liberty and justice and above all else the pursuit of happiness for all living beings no matter where they may be.